New blog takes more time away from home

by Joe Somebody on Saturday, April 9, 2011

I have found that I have not been keeping up with my blog. Reason is I actually started another. Its not even remotely related. Its a foreign movie review blog.

Joe Foreign Review

I tend to watch a lot of foreign movies. Most of which the majority of people have never seen. I have found the current hollywood can not make a decent movie. Sure that poop out a good one from time to time but the overall is...they suck.


4 Responses to “New blog takes more time away from home”

  1. it's ok. we all get lazy with our blog from time to time, you are forgiven :P

  2. Interesting choice , I like all good movies, I dont care about language

  3. You really need to fire up a blog to assist you finding the most appropriate spelling and grammar check... ;)

  4. hollywood can make a movie, but you'll newer hear of it thou :D good luck anyways.

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