How to be a first time homeowner

by Joe Somebody on Thursday, March 24, 2011

A first time home owner often starts the real estate search all sunny & happy. They are finally going to get their dream home. A few weeks later you can see first time home buyers tearing out their hair or even crying.

Look past what you see in the house. Many of the homes that you look at will be dusty. They will probably be cluttered and decorated in a style that you don't like. You need to learn how to look past people's possessions. You aren't buying the furniture. Use vision as a first time home owner to turn what you can afford into your dream house.

The first rule of real estate is location, location, location. You can change pretty much everything about the house except for where it is. If you are looking for a prime location you will probably have to spend more money. If you think it's in a great place, so will another first time home owner. This may mean that you'll end up with an older home that costs more money.

Look for up and coming neighborhoods or add 15 minutes to your commute to save more money. Be sure to factor in the added cost of getting back and forth to work (Even if gas prices sky rocket) to see if the money that you would save is really worth it.

Most first time home buyers have a list of dozens of things that they want, like dishwashers, stainless steel appliances, and granite countertops. If you are on a budget, you will have to learn to compromise. Decide what you can and can't do without. Needs and wants are different. Learn what they are to you.


One Response to “How to be a first time homeowner”

  1. good advice for first timers.

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